Academic bulletin 09/2002
Hundred Year Flood also affected some Institutes of the ASCR
The flooding Vltava River paralysed and devastated workplaces of some ASCR Institutes. The most damaged were the Institute of Archaeology, the Archives of the ASCR, Nuclear Physics Institute, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Physics, and the Institute of Philosophy.
21st World Congress of the Society for Arts and Sciences
21st World Congress of the Society for the Arts and Sciences took place in Plzen on 23. -30. 6. 2002. This Society is unique in its wide-ranging interests; it connects different kinds of people and activities, also professional and national interests and in this way maintains and preserves the Czech and Slovak national heritage beyond these two countries. The SAS established the National Heritage Commission; its members include also the biggest American-Czech organisations. The SVU World Congress was held under the auspices of President Vaclav Havel in close collaboration with the University of West Bohemia and the City of Plzen.
The Czech Meteorological Society features lecture and workshop conferences. A very important event for Czech and Slovak meteorology was the representative publication of the "History of Meteorology in Czech Lands and in the Slovak Republic in the year 2001". The Czech Meteorological Society has participated in meetings of the European Meteorology Society for three years through its non-permanent membership.
The first steps to collaboration in Neuro-Sciences between Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
This first workshop was held 31st May till 1st June 2001 in Berlin-Dahlem. The organisers of the meeting, Prof. MUDr. Eva Sykova, DrSc. , Head of the Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR and Prof. Dr. Konstantin Hossman, Head of the Max-Planck Institut für Neurologische Forschung invited leading researchers from both countries. The two-day workshop was divided into six sections, which covered thematically current trends in neurophysiological research. Participants of the meeting were very pleased with the proposal by Czech scientists to organise the second meeting in the year 2003 in the Czech Republic.
NATO - Russia Advanced Research Workshop
This event took place in Moscow from 12. -16. May 2002 on the theme "Phytohormones in Plant Biotechnology and in the Agriculture". Our Institute of Experimental Medicine, ASCR, participated as a representative of NATO countries.
Čejkovice 2002, 6-9 June
International Conference on Biology of Pluripotency Cells "From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson From Pluropotency
The first day was devoted to Oogenesis 1: Primordial Germ Cells, Ovary: Oocyte-Nursing Environment, Oogenesis 2: Molecules Driving Oocyte Growth and Maturation a Manipulating Oocytes. The second day was focused on Early Embryogenesis, the Establishment of Embryonal Cell Lineages, Pluripotency and Self-Renewal of Stem Cells-Molecular Basis. The final session dealt with Regulation Growth and Differentiating Stem Cells.
Reports of the 20th and 21th sessions of scientific divisions of the ASCR
Information about the situation in Great Britain regarding the use of academic titles and degrees and the differences in Ordinances and Regulations at every British University
A New Breakthrough from old Egypt on the pages quarterly journal "Arc Oriental"
The 70th file of the only oriental scientific Quarterly "Arc Oriental" published this year its most recent breakthrough concerning the Abusir and Saggara areas in Egypt.
National Contact Centrum - Women and Science was established in 2001 for the purpose of supporting Czech women scientists on the institutional level, to show the problems connected with harmonising scientific career and family life. Organisatons and contact activities of the National Contact Centrum serve to support Czech women working in different scientific fields, specialisation in EU programmes. The Website www.zenyaveda.cz presents women who are successful in their scientific professions in the Czech Republic. Each month a woman scientist is featured on the Website. For August it was PhDr. Natalie Venclová, DrSc. , deputy director of Institute of Archeology ASCR in Prague.
Editorial activity of the Institute of Archeology, ASCR Prague
The editorial activity of the Institute of Archeology continues its extensive tradition with Czech archaeological publications, periodicals, etc. Now the Institute of Archeology publishes the largest collection of special archaeological literature in the Czech Republic.
Young physicists in Odessa
Students of the Prague Christian Doppler Secondary School successfully represented the Czech Republic at the 15th International Tournament of Young Physicists May 2002 in Odessa, Ukraine. Because of its knowledge and ability in physics, mathematics, English language and other areas, the Czech team again proved that Czech students belong among the most successful tournament participants.