Almost any Czech you ask about the most significant years containing “eight” in Czech history would be able to name at least three: 1918, 1938 and 1968. It is indisputable that all of these historic milestones were of great importance to the fate of our nation. The last three articles are thematically focused on the politics of our statesmen Masaryk, Beneš or Štefánik during the Christmas.
Josef Hlávka and Vienna
In Vienna, Josef Hlávka is mainly remembered as one of the most successful architects and builders of the 1860s. In a period of ten year from the 1860 to the 1870, he designed and built almost 150 buildings. One of his most significant achievements is the Vienna Opera which he built at the request of Emperor Franz Joseph I. during the period of 1863–1869. The Emperor was very pleased with it and presented him with a special prize.
Science and Technology Week
The 8th annual Science and Technology Week was organized for the public by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on November 3–9 and it took place in Brno, České Budějovice, Plzeň, Hradec Králové and Praha. The program included speeches by scientific professionals, presentations of noteworthy experiments, workshops, non-traditional exhibitions, science cafés, and visits to laboratories and academic workplaces.
Techmania Science Center
A Regional Technical Museum was established by the Škoda Holding, a. s., a joint-stock company and the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň with intention to building a modern and interactive museum. The intention of both founders is to respond to the present situation when there is a decreasing interest by students in the field of science and technology. The main target groups are children and youth.
Preparing for Czech Presidency
The presidency of the Council of the European Union is responsible for the functioning of the Council of the EU and is rotated between EU member states every six months. Beginning in January 2009 the Czech Republic will take over the EU Council Presidency. The Czech Republic’s motto for their presidency is Europe without barriers. Its message and hope is to break down the barriers which still exist between member states including the free movement of people, goods, services and capital.
Interview with Janez Potocznik
We asked Janez Potocznik, European Commissioner for Science and Research, about the Czech leadership in the EU, which is starting at the beginning of next year.
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC 2008)
This symposium focused on participants from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Following the tradition of the CESTC, two plenary lectures were offeret for each of the participating countries and a number of short reports and poster presentations. Student Kiran Bhaskaran Nair from Charles University in Prague was awarded the Student poster prize as creator of the best student poster.
International Mammalian Genome Conference
22nd Annual Mammalian Genome Conference took place in the new edifice of the Institute of Molecular Chemistry AS CR, v. v. i., in Prague. The symposium was aimed at dissiminating research news on the topic mammalian genomes, epigenomes and phenotypes. It began with Bioinformatics speakers followed by a Student Satellite Meeting and it continued with a number of sessions.