Academic bulletin 07-08/2008
Invasion on August 21, 1968
On August 21, 1968, the Soviet and its Warsaw Pact allies invaded the Czechoslovak Republic, after negotiations failed, to prevent Alexander Dubcek's Prague Spring reforms from continuing. The Soviets mustered thousands of troops from most Warsaw pact countries. The invasion was successful in stopping democratization reforms and strengthening the authority of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
Science was under siege in Czechoslovakia
After the political crackdown of 1968, the atmosphere had become unbearable, and the situation got worse. Because Czechoslovak science had become a strong political force during 1968, it is not surprising that the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences figured on the list of watched institutions. A day after the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops, the CAS was closed by order of the commanding officer. The destruction of Czechoslovak science in the 1970s has proceeded slowly but systematically, not lacking, however, a "legal" basis.
Searching for a method for abatement of greenhouse gases from the soil
Research workers from the Institute of Soil Biology [Biological Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.] solve a number of projects aimed at the origin of greenhouse gases in soils and the emission of these soil gases. Research proceeds in conjunction with Italian, German and French scientists.
Intercultural dialog – Indonesia
The Centre of Global Studies – a joint workplace of the Institute of Philosophy at the Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague – is focused especially on an intercultural dialog. Its last conference brought many contributions to a discussion on Indonesia.
DMZ-CZ: Czech Digital Mathematical Library
The aim of this project is to study, develop and apply processes, methods and tools enabling the creation of an infrastructure and conditions for implementation of the Czech Mathematical Digital Library which will comprise a relevant part of the mathematical literature published in the Czech Republic and for its integration into the World Mathematical Digital Library (WDML). The project includes the beginning of the digitization process, provision of the end users with an access to the digital staff, investigation of advanced technologies for search in mathematical documents and integration of born-digital documents.
The Association for Youth, Science and Technology is a non-governmental, non-profit organization of children and youth. AMAVET brings together 3500 registered active members working in various scientific disciplines. AMAVET plays an important role in conjunction with schools and school institutions, in forming the mindset of young people through informal education, which is becoming a valuable part of a whole life education. The Committee of AMAVET has chosen the ten best student projects on May 6–7, 2008 at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The Aftermath of Prague Spring and Charter 77 in Latvia / the Baltics in Prague
The exhibition is a part of an international program conference Prague Spring 1968. Civil Society, the Mass Media, and the Transfer of Political and Cultural Processes that took place cooperating the State Archives of Latvia, Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Czech Republic and Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic. The exhibition shows how the events of 1968 in Czechoslovakia echoed in Latvia and the Baltics. It reveals little known facts about Latvian protests against USSR intervention in Czechoslovakia.