Archive of the AB


EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

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International cooperation









English books prepared for publication by Academy bulletin


Akademie věd České republiky / The Czech Academy of Sciences 2014 a 2015

The Czech Academy of Sciences has issued a report accounting selected research results achieved by its scientific institutes in all research areas in 2014 and in early 2015.
Full version you can find here.


The new english expanded edition 




Stopy AB v jiných titulech

Abicko  > 2008  > Sept



Munich Agreement

The Munich Agreement was a pact regarding the Sudetenland, which were areas along borders of Czechoslovakia, mainly inhabited by Czech Germans. The agreement was discussed among representatives of major powers of Europe without the presence of Czechoslovakia leaders. After a conference held in Munich in 1938 the agreement was signed in the early hours of September 30. The purpose of the conference was to discuss the future of Czechoslovakia in the face of territorial demands made by German dictator Adolf Hitler. The agreement, signed by Nazi Germany, France, Britain, and Italy permitted German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. The Sudetenland was of immense strategic importance to Czechoslovakia, since most of its border defenses were situated there.

Crucial periods of Czechoslovak history 1918–1948 in historiographical reflection

Liberalization of political and ideological barriers after the fall of Communistic regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989 has led to intensification of research of period 1918–1948. Although it presents relatively short historical period, it involves some milestones like first Czechoslovak Republic, after-Munich fall of democratic parliamentary, the Second World War and transformation after the war, that altogether resulted in start of Communistic regime in February 1948.

EASAC in Prague
The European Academies Science Advisory Council was formed by the national science academies of EU Member States to enable them to collaborate with each other in providing advice to European policy-makers. It thus offers the means for the collective voice of European science to be heard. The EASAC covers all scientific and technical disciplines, and its experts are drawn from all countries of the European Union. The most recent EASAC meeting was held in June 2008 in Prague.

Recent Trends 2008
The seminar Recent Trends 2008 is the eleventh in a series of meetings held by Institute of Scientific Instruments ASCR. The first meeting was held in 1989, the second one, in 1990, was held there as well. The following seminars were organized biannually in Skalský dvůr near Brno. This conference is intended for discussion of questions connected with the instrumentation and methodology in charged particle optics and surface physics. Selected themes were introduced by top specialists with emphasis on questions already recognized but not as yet fully answered.

The second festival of Philosophy in Velké Meziříčí
Festival took place 20–22 Jun 2008 in Velké Meziříčí and it was organized by the Institute of Philosophy ASCR with cooperation of the town Velké Meziříčí. The idea of festival arose seven years ago in the north Italian town of Modena. The festival has a goal to celebrate the philosophy and the literature, to go out from the academic grounds to the squares, parks and to address perceptive listeners and the young people especially.

Czech Street Fest in Brussels

The Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU opened its doors to the public in Brussels on July 12 2008. On the occasion of the second Czech Street Fest, the public had an opportunity to get a more depth view of Czech science. CZELO and FEL ČVUT presented their results in the field of science during the Fest.