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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

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International cooperation









English books prepared for publication by Academy bulletin


Akademie věd České republiky / The Czech Academy of Sciences 2014 a 2015

The Czech Academy of Sciences has issued a report accounting selected research results achieved by its scientific institutes in all research areas in 2014 and in early 2015.
Full version you can find here.


The new english expanded edition 




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Cover Akademic bulletin  03/2002

Academic bulletin 03/2002


Report in photos

Charta '77 in reflex of contemporary people

The Institute for Contemporary History, AS CR in collaboration with the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre co-hosted a meeting and seminar on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of Charta '77. People and historians involved in this historic event reminisced about Charta '77.

Prof. MUDr. Ivo Hána, CSc. elected Chairman

During an interview, the new chairman of the Council of Scientific Societies of Czech Republic, Prof. MUDr. Ivo Hána, CSc., a leading Czech immunologist, detailed his vision for science in the Czech community, as well as his work as Council chairman and a strategy to improve the credibility of science in society at large. He was elected to his new post 17 Feb. 2002.


New medicaments and healing procedures are a contribution of Czech science

The Grant Agency of AS CR dedicated its seminar 21 Jan. 2002 to the contribution of Czech scientists have made to the development of new medicaments and healing procedures like a new generation of antivirotics which heals hepatitis C, meningitis etc., and a new generation medicaments to stop the progress AIDS.


Babuškas awards 2001

Topic of the month

Bible, Scriptures, Word of God

In January this year, scientist-members of the Centre for Biblical Studies discussed with journalists the successful inauguration, following a number of conferences, of a collaborative project with the Institute for Classical Study and the Protestant Theological Faculty to publish a Biblical dictionary in the year 2004.

Portraits from archives

Jiří Syllaba 1902 - 1997

A portrait of the world-known Czech specialist diabetolog Prof. MUDr. Jiří Syllaba.

Scientific societies

Czech Oriental Association

This society represents independent voluntary associations of experts and laymen who have an abiding interest in the history of Asian and African countries. Their main goal is to update the public about Oriental history. By this they hope to contribute to the understanding of problems contemporary developing countries face as they attempt to incorporate into globalised countries without race prejudice.

Science and research

The exploitation of wind energy in countries of Middle Europe

At an international workshop on 4-5 Oct. 2001 experts exchanged their experiences in exploitation of wind energy in the Middle European areas.


A report on the second meeting committee of UNESCO in Berlin 17-19 Dec. 2001 dealing with ethics, scientific information and technologies is accessible on website comest.

Introducing the projects

The archaeological area under the third courtyard at Prague castle

A special project was completed in 1997-1998 to rescue and permanently protect the unique archaeological area under the third courtyard at Prague Castle. New scientific methods like are archeobotany, palynology, dendrochronology have made it possible to gain a lot of scientific knowledge. The research results and the method of conservation are published in detail for the first time.

Culture and society

European Cultural Club celebrates 10th anniversary

Jiří Grygar is pleased about the 10 years the ECC has been in existence, and turns over the presidency of the Czech branch to pedologist Miroslav Kutílek.

A Centre of Europe about the year 1000

Since the year 1997 significant progress has been made in organising a big international exhibitions project focused on the political and cultural aspects of Middle Europe about the year 1000. The Czech Academy of Sciences has guaranteed holding this international exhibition in the Czech Republic. After expositions in Budapest, Berlin and Manheim this mobile exhibition will be installed 17 Mar. 2002 in Prague.


Problems with reliability of scientometric data, the quality of science and its financing is the theme of articles by Jaroslav Kypr and Prof. RNDr. Václav Hořejší, polemicists.

New books