Academic bulletin 01/2002
Report in Photos
The 19th Academy Assembly Met in December 2001
The Meeting of the "V4" Academies
Representatives of four Academies of Sciences from the so-called Visegrád countries met at Villa Lanna in Prague on November 19 - 21, 2001. They discussed how to coordinate their activities with European Commission policy on science and the role of research institutions of Central European countries in connection with the European Research Area (ERA).
Introducing the Projects
MIMOSA - the sixth Satellite Constructed in the Czech Republic
The goal of a new project of the Astronomical Institute of the ASCR called MIMOSA (MIcro Measurements Of Satellite Accelerations) is to measure those weak, non-gravitational powers in the cosmos that influence satellites placed in orbit near the Earth and which eventually cause them to fall out of orbit and burn up in the atmosphere.
Topic of the Month
Devastation of the 19th Century Architecture
The Institute of Art History of the ASCR sponsored a workshop under this name to focus on the problem of the disappearance of parts of our culture heritage. Lectures accompanied by photographic material collected all over the country demonstrated the sad fact, that the buildings erected during the 19th century are not being sufficiently protected against ordinary wear and tear and especially calculated destruction.
Scientific Societies
Czechoslovak Biological Society
The Czechoslovak Biological Society was founded in Brno in 1922. CBS has the largest number of members among societies focused on biological sciences and has had its branches in all major cities in the Czech lands and Slovakia. It sponsors a popular event called "Biological Days" and publishes its own magazine.
Science and Research
Oriental Institute of the ASCR - the 80th Anniversary of Its Foundation
The Oriental Institute of the ASCR was founded in January 1925 under the auspices of President T. G. Masaryk and as a result of the work of such famous Czech archeologists and philologists as Vincenc Lesný (India issues), Bedřich Hrozný (Hittite), Alois Musil (Arabian issues) and František Lexa (ancient Egypt). In 1952 the Institute has become a part of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
Science between Sky and Earth -Space Opened Wide
An interview with Doctor Jiří Grygar, an astronomer at the Institute of Physics of the ASCR who became the most popular Czech astronomer in the 1980s as a result of his popular cycle of TV documentaries called The Windows of Cosmos Opened Wide…
The Jaroslav Heyrovský Medal was awarded to Professor Joachim E. Thiem from Germany
The Ministry of Education Award for Research 2001 was presented to Doctor Pavel Krejčí of the Institute of Mathematics
Award of the Company SIAM was bestowed upon Assistant Professor Miroslav Tůma of the Institute of Computer Science
Portraits from the Archives
Kamil Krofta 1876 - 1945
A portrait of Czech historian, diplomat and politician Kamil Krofta
Culture and Society
Monotheistic Religions - A Round Table Discussion
Discussion on the relations between Christianity, Judaism and Islam
ASCR's Publishing House, Academia
New books and their presentations
Activities Past and Planned
News - Announcements
New Books
Supplement - Academic Column
Academy Assembly - an Allocution given by the president of the ASCR, Assistant Professor Helena Illnerová
Academy Assembly - a Speech of Ramiro Cibrian, Representative of European Commission in the Czech Republic
Academy Assembly - a Resolution
News from the Academic Council - the 10th and the 11th Sessions
Report from the 155th session of the Czech Government's Research and Development Council