Academic bulletin 05/2005
Some questions for the new president Václav Pačes of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.
Jesus Research or historical Jesus?
How much can be attributed to Jesus of Nazareth by using historical, philological, sociologic archaeological methods and theological enquiry? Numerous conferences have addressed this question over the years, and one of them was the International Symposium on Jesus Research centring on the historical Jesus that took place 17th to 19th March 2005.
Painting of Sebastian Conca in AS CR.
It is not widely known that, except for buildings, laboratories, libraries and apparatuses, the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic also has a noteworthy collection of artworks. In restoring the works some knowledge was gained that lead to the improvement Academy collection.
Venus Transit over the horizon
[The end of the project Venus Tranist 2005 in the Czech Republic]
Venus Transit succeeded with the assistance the European Southern Observatory in cooperation with the European Association for Astronomy Education, Observatoire de Paris, the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides and the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.
How is the movement of the earth’s crust measured?
Institute of Rock and Mechanics Structure operates five permanent GPS stations and the projects of the Research Centre of Dynamics of the earth.
The Prizes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
The awards of the AS CR honour extraordinary results in the field of research and development. Nine scientists or teams were awarded the Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic this year.
Prof. Ivan Wilhelm and Professor Norbert Kroó have been awarded the Academy’s medals of honour De Scientia et Humanitate Oprime Meritis.
Ing. Dušan Gabriel of the Faculty of Engineering, ČVUT in Prague was awarded The Professor I. Babuška Prize 2005 for his work entitled Numerical solution of large displacement contact problems by the finite element method.