Academic bulletin 10/2005
III. World Congress of Czech Literary Science Studies
Institute of Czech Literature of the ASCR organized the Third World Congress of Czech Literary Science Studies dedicated to the topic: Value and limits. the World in Czech literature; Czech literature in the World. With the anniversaries this year of two well-known Czech literary figures – Božena Němcová and Vladimír Holan – two new separate blocks in the Congress were devoted to their works.
50th anniversary of Institute of State and Law, ASCR
The Institute was established in 1955. It deals with basic questions relating to the theory of state and law, selected issues of constitutional law, problems with international law, especially law in the European Community and harmonisation of Czech law with laws in the EC. Every anniversary provides not only an opportunity for assessment but also for musing about and discussing actual appeals. This year, for example, the topic is the European dilemma: A treaty establishing a Constitution for most of Europe.
How to embark on the study of systematics and phylogenese of taeniae?
The main topic at a meeting of scientists of the Institute of Parasitology of the ASCR in České Budějovice was devoted to the study of taeniaes and filiation of taeniaes (Cestoda).
Holiday with science
Faculty members of secondary schools during their holidays have met to participate in Project Open Science at Nové Hrady. They gained lot of knowledge and were challenged to make teaching their subjects more appealing for their students. Open Science is especially dedicated to young talented students. It exposes them to a variety of scientific works or affords them an opportunity to participate in scientific projects.
How is it with European finance?
What does it mean to work at European projects in FP6, RTD, NMP, NoE, or how does one gain a supply for projects within the scope of science and research?
Jozef Hlávka Prizes
In the section of Biological and Medical Sciences, RNDr. František Moravec was awarded the Jozef Hlávka Prize for his book Metazoan parasites of salmonid fishes of Europe.
Doc. Petr Svobodný and doc. Ludmila Hlaváčková of the section of Social Sciences received the prize for their book History of medicine in the Czech countries.
In the section of Medicine Science, Prof. Jan Krejsek and MUDr. Otakar Kopecký were granted the Hlávka Prize for their work entitled Clinical immunology.