The two-day General Assembly took place at the Hall of Patriots of the Carolinum May 18–19, 2009. The Society mainly encourages the free development of science in all its aspects, to disseminate scientific ideas and concepts to the general public, to awaken a thirst for and delight in scientific knowledge within society, and to support the enhancement of the level of education and a creative, rational and humanly responsible climate in the CR.
At this General Assembly, Luboš Perek, world-renowned astronomer, and Vilém Herold, former director the Institute of Philosophy of the AS CR, were bestowed the Medal of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for their contributions to the advancement of science. The Scientist Award was awarded to mathematician Luděk Zajíček of Charles University. The Junior Scientist Award was given to Pavel Kocán also of Charles University and Dr. Jitka Žlůvová of Institute of Biophysics of the AS CR.
The Learned Society Award was presented to pedagogues Bohumil Vybíral and Vladimír Vít for their contributions to the advancement of science among young students. The Grammar School Student Awards were presented to 10 students from Czech grammar schools.