Academic bulletin 12/2007
We introduce the comments of four other directors of Academy institutes, who were asked these three questions: In which direction will they lead the development of their institutes? What are they doing to achieve excellence in science? How will they evaluate the work in accordance with the new statutes called Public Research Institution?
Towards a true picture of fish stock
The methodology of studying large inland waters, such as lakes and reservoirs, has been developing rapidly during recent years. However, obtaining sound qualitative and quantitative information on all significant ecospecies of fish still represents a challenging task, which is difficult to achieve in many localities. Many improvements of sampling and stock assessment techniques are still required. The Biology Centre of AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) under the auspices of the Rector of the University of South Bohemia organized a conference dedicated to this topic 11–15 September 2007.
The evaluation of science research and its results in 2007 – Did we go the right way?
Petr Dráber from Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR presents his views on evaluation of science research.
Science – Res Publica
The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, in cooperation AlphaGalileo Foundation, organized a seminar on 17 October 2007 on the topic Popularization of European Science or how to present the results of science research to the public. We interviewed Mr. Patrick Vittet-Philippe, Press and Information Officer of Research DG, European Commission.
Let there be light
The seventh annual Week of Science and Technology, organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, took place in five cities – Brno, České Budějovice, Olomouc, Ostrava and Prague. The program included speeches by top professionals, presentations of significant experiments, workshops, non-traditional exhibitions, science cafés, and visits to laboratories and academic workplaces. The Week of Science and Technology also featured the European itinerant exhibition focusing on optics and optical technologies, titled The Fascination of Light. The exhibition took place November 1 to 8 in Veletržní palác.
Heliophysical year
The aim of the International Heliophysical Year that ends in February 2008 is to present the latest knowledge in the sphere of heliophysics and present the latest scientific methods. Achieved results will certainly inspire people interested in Astronomy in coming years.
The Czech Science on the Street Fest in Brussels
The new centre for the Czech Republic, known as the Czech House, opened its doors to the public in Brussels on 11 October 2007. Historically the first Czech Street Fest was presented by this occasion and the public might have seen not only particular regions but also Czech science. CZELO, FEL ČVUT and several spin-off firms have been presenting their results in the field of science.