Academic bulletin 11/2007
This month we continue with the comments of the directors of all the Academy institutes, who were asked these three questions: In which direction they will lead the development of their institutes? What are they doing to achieve excellence in science? Can they evaluate the work in accordance with the new statutes called Public Research Institution?
Centre for cardiovascular research
According to table of mortality of people in Czech Republic, more than 50 % of all deaths pertain to the heart disease and vascular disease and 50 % of these patients present the ischemic heart disease. Therefore build research center is needed that would be deal with these problems.
Encyclopaedia of the book
Within the frame of the Week of Science and Technology, you can visit an exhibition named Encyclopaedia of the Book. Read more it in the interview with the author of the so-called book by Petr Voit.
The final conference of project ProAct, a Coordination Action financed within the Regions of Knowledge activity of the European Commission, took place on 20th of September 2007 in Prague. In ProAct, four old and four new EU member states join forces in search of the best innovation of regional innovation policy implementation. The key factors of success in the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic are political commitment, funding and appropriate regional conditions. The regional weaknesses are the lack of skilled people for business development support.
LIFE+, the new Financial Instrument for the Environment
The Council and the European Parliament reached the political agreement on the new LIFE+ Financial Instrument for the Environment. The overall budget foreseen for is just under € 1.9 billion for the period 2007–2013. LIFE+ will bring simplification by regrouping a broad range of existing environmental programs and instruments in a single framework.