Academic bulletin 07/2003
95 years have passed since the death of Josef Hlávka, a famous architect and great sponsor of science. He donated, among other things, a large sum of money to the establishment of the Czech Academy of Emperor Franz Josef i for sciences, literature and arts in Prague (the later Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts) and he became its first president.
On the Threshold of the EU
Top scientists answer the question: "What can Czech Science contribute to the EU and what should it leave behind? "
International Co-operation in Space Research
Representatives of the European Space Agency - ESA - as well as Czech experts introduced the activities of ESA and the participation of Czech scientists in ESA projects. The international seminar and press conference held at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in late May paid special emphasis to the project called INTEGRAL, that is the International Gama-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory. The INTEGRAL Science and Data Centre already gathers and analyses data from the satellite and Czech experts play an active role in this work.
The Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic celebrates its 40th Anniversary.
At present the institute has 9 scientific departments based in Liběchov, Prague and Brno and focusing on evolutionary biology, physio-logy of reproduction, genetics of fish, genomics, physiology of nutrition, anaerobic microbiology, endocrinology, experimental oncology and genetics and embryology. The institute works on tasks not usually dealt with at any other institute in this country and develops extensive international co-operation.
The Prizes of the Academy of Sciences have been awarded to both senior and junior scientists for outstanding achievements in research and development and for a highly successful solution of programme and grant projects.
RNDr. Cyril Fischer, PhD., from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has won The Prize of professor I. Babuška 2002 for his work entitled Numerical Solution of Tasks in Stochastic Mechanics.
Biological Clocks in Living Organisms
The President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic doc. RNDr. Helena Illnerová, DrSc., introduces the latest scientific findings concerning so-called biological clocks in living organisms: she explains to which extent the central and peripheral biological clocks are influence by genes on the one hand and factors in the environment, including light, on the other hand.
A report on the 32nd session of the Academic Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
A report on the 33rd session of the Academic Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Account of the 176th session the Czech Government Research and Development Council.
The section introduces the Czechoslovak Scientific Society for Metal Sciences
Justin Václav Prášek
150 years have passed since the birth of Justin Václav Prášek, a historian who was interested not only in his native town and the region of Brandýs nad Labem but also in the history of the ancient world, particularly ancient nations in the Middle East. He became one of the founders of Czech Oriental Studies.
The Scientific Heritage of the Astronomy of Early Modern Times Continues to Arouse Interest
This fact is proved not only by the international symposium Astronomy as a model for sciences in early modern times, staged by the Institute for the History of Science and Technology in Munich last March, but also by the three-year grant entitled Shaping a View of the Word (World View Network) which is implemented within the framework of the EU project Culture 2000 and which Czech experts from several institutions participate in.
Is University and College Education a Czech National Interest?
That question was the topic of a recent panel discussion arranged by Charles University, the Council of Universities and Colleges and the Czech Conference of Chancellors.
The International Advisory Committee for the EURATOM association has met in Prague for the 6th time.
"Science and Religious Faith: Unity, the Struggle of Antagonisms or Indifference? " was the topic of a round-table discussion staged on the initiative of the Press Department of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The extraordinary event has attracted a number of leading Czech scientists and lectures from a number of scientific institutes and universities.
The Anniversary of DNA and Functional Genomics and Disease was the focus of a large international conference organized by the European Science Foundation. It took place in Prague and attracted some 500 scientists. Some of them answer the question "What was the most significant development since the description of the structure of DNA? "
A Conference of Students of Czech Language and Literature staged in Prague focused on the role of time as a theme and construction element in the Czech literature.
Students and History: about Eustory 2003 - a competition in history for secondary school students.
Emauzy 2003
The Church of the Benedictine Monastery In Slovany has been opened again after a long period of restoration and repair.
Local Strategies, International Ambitions - Modern Art and Central Europe 1918-1968 was the topic of a large international conference organized by the Institute of the History of Arts of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic with the support of the New York University Prague.
The Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: the present offer of electronic information resources
A large electronic Czech-Russian Dictionary
Special Awards of Otto Wichterle have been granted to young scientists and researches
A Medal of Vojtěch Náprstek for the popularisation of Science
Butterflies or Words of Eden?
Poetic reflections on beauties, sorrows and hopes of life brought by an exhibition of photographs by Rudolf Hrabák entitled Butterflies in Colour.
Can We Save Sacral Monuments?
Specialized books from Academia Publishing House
A list of bestsellers
Books from the Computer Press Publishing House
Jan Kryštof Müller's cartographic work on a CD ROM