Academic bulletin 02/1999
Interview with Professor Petr Zuna, President of ČVUT and a Member of the Science Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Interest in education focused on engineering among students has been decreasing in the Czech Republic, but increasing in management and law studies. It is alarming that graduates from these branches are having problems to find positions for which they were educated and in the end are dependent on the help served by labor offices of unemployment. It is necessary to popularize the technical sciences from the level of elementary schools.
Introducing the Institutes: the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, ASCR
The institute was founded in 1960 and since beginning it has been centered on research in the field of chemical processes, which is to say chemical engineering connected to physical chemistry and bioengineerIng. The scientists of the institute working in applied research have developed and patented many original methods, devices and technologies.
The Supplement: An Interview with Helena Illnerová
Docent Helena Illnerová, vice-president of ASCR and the head of the Department of Neurohumoral Regulation of the Institute of Physiology, ASCR, talks about new discoveries in physiology at the end of the Millenium, especially in the field of biological rhythms.