Academic bulletin 10/1999
Awards in pharmacy 1999
The Institute of Plasma Physics workshop popularizing science
Research and Development Council of the Government of the Czech Republic
Information from the 122nd session of Research and Development Council of the Government of the Czech Republic
News from the Academic Council
Portraits from the Archives: František Záviška (1879 - 1945)
Physician František Záviška was born to a poor family in Moravia. After graduating from basic and grammar school, he studied mathematics and physics at Charles University in Prague. Two years later, in 1900, he started to work as an assistant to Professor F. Koláček and continued his studies at the newly founded Czech Technical University in Brno. Later he became a member of prestigious Czech scientific academies and a representative of the Czechoslovak Union of Mathematicians.
The major asset of his scientific work is integrated in nine studies on waveguides published between the years 1912 and 1939. They evaluated, on the basis of the Maxwell equations, the effect of radiation by electromagnetic waves in space using conductible and non-conductible cylinders, tubes and their combinations, organized in different ways. The results of Záviška's experiments were interesting, but they were published in Czech journals only and never became known abroad.
Science - Research -- Society
Microwave Furnace for Glass - Conjunction of Modern Technology and Tradition in Glass Production
Milan Hájek, M.Sc., a scientist from the microwave laboratory of the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, invented a glass furnace working on microwave energy. This invention (the first of its kind in the world) was presented at the International Conference of Glass Technology held at the Hilton Hotel in Prague in June this year. Artists from the Studio of Blown Glass in Nový Bor demonstrated the possibilities of its application. Participants at the conference had an opportunity to see, with their own eyes, the conjunction of microwave energy with the historical tradition of Czech glass production.
Quo Vadis, Applied Research?
An interview with president of the Association of Research Organizations, Miroslav Ecler, M.Sc.
NATO Science Fellowship Program
Annually NATO dispenses a certain amount of financial support for special programs to its members. These fellowships are intended to cover the expenses for three to 12 month residencies of scientists in other NATO member-states or in the countries participating in the program "Partnership for Peace".
The advantage of the current status of the Czech Republic is that our country has become a NATO member and is also a participant in the Partnership program. Czech scientists can apply for the NATO fellowships using the assistance of either our national office or the national offices of other member-states of NATO.
Science for the 21st Century
The article brings information about the International Conference of Science, which was held in Budapest at the end of June. A total of 1200 delegates from 141 countries and 88 organizations, institutions and academies took part in this conference. The official delegation of the Czech Republic was led by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Eduard Zeman.
Report from the 3rd International Symposium of Postgraduates and Young Scientists in the Field of Plant Physiology
International Symposium on Auxins and Cytokinins
Hypertension - Cause of Cardiovascular Complications
The Institute of Physiology regularly organizes workshops for the public, enabling its departments to present the results of their research activities and perspectives of future projects. In June 1999, the Department of Experimental Hypertension (DEH) presented a workshop program on hypertension. Hypertension is a disease affecting 20- 30 % adults in this country. The article brings information about the importance of its research and new discoveries made by the scientists working at DEH.
Czech Science Needs More Finance and Less Bureaucracy
In June 1999, Professor Enric Banda, General Secretary of European Science foundation (ESF), visited Prague to meet the representatives of the ASCR and Grant Agency of the CR. These two institutions recently joined the group of members of the ESF. In an interview, Professor Banda introduces readers of AB to the ESF organization and its activities, evaluates the level of cooperation with ASCR and GA and comments on the state of Czech science.
Bedřich Lowenstein Honored
Professor Bedřich Lowenstein, who entered his 70th year on June 20th, 1999, was honored at the Villa Lanna. The Academic Council awarded him the František Palacký Honor Medal for his significant work in the field of social sciences.
Ladislav Tondl Lauded
Professor Ladislav Tondl was lauded on the occasion of his 75th birthday (born on February 28th, 1925). He was also awarded the František Palacký Honor Medal.
Vlastimil Herout (born on March 17th, 1921, died on June 28th, 1999)
1945 -1950 - assistant at the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
1952 - 1999 - researcher at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR
1970 - 1977 - director of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR
Member of the organic division and bureau of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), member of the Royal Society for Chemistry in Great Britain, member of several scientific societies in USA, BRD and other countries.
Holder of Honor Medals of the former Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (now ASCR) and other awards by foreign chemical societies.
Author or co-author of about 300 original scientific communications and 50 publications in the field of the chemistry of natural substances.
Once again about the impact factor
Introducing the Institutes
The Institute of Vertebrates of the ASCR in Brno
The Institute of Vertebrates celebrates the first anniversary of its foundation. Nevertheless it has a 45 year tradition. The institute is divided into five departments, among them three are located in Brno (water ecosystem, ecology of birds, and ecology of mammals), department of medicinal zoology in Valtice and department of population biology in Studenec. The institute's staff comprises 43 employees, including 24 scientists.
16th International Symposium on Cell Nucleus
EMBO New Members' Workshop
News - Announcements
Latest activities of the ASCR Institutes
This new column is designed to provide information on the latest activities of the ASCR Institutes. The events in this column are sponsored by the Department of Public Relations' media campaigns and contain information which would not normally be mentioned in regular articles of AB. You can find a complete list on DPR web pages: www.kav.cas.cz/press.
New books
Chronicle - Events at the Academy in Photos
Topical Supplement
How We Hear the Music - Research of the Auditory Physiology
Professor Josef Syka, director of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, speaks about recent investigations in the research of auditory physiology, usage of electronic devices, the brain's reactions to music, the influence of aggressive sounds on the human heart, the blood circulation system, psychic and other aspects of brain research.