The Learned Society of the Czech Republic two-day General Assembly took place at the Hall of Patriots of the Collegium Carolinum and at the ASCR’s main building on 14–15 May 2012. At this gathering, Jiří Grygar, well-known astronomer and popularizer of science, and Martin Hilský, renowned professor of English literature and translator, were bestowed the Society’s Medal for their contributions to the advancement of science. Scientist Awards were presented to historian Petr Čornej and chemist Jaroslav Stejskal. Junior Scientist Awards were given to chemists Otakar Frank and Jan Veselý. Awards were also presented to pedagogues and to students from Czech high schools.
Professor Petr Pokorný was elected the president of the Council of the Executive Board of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for the period May 2012–May 2014.