Academic bulletin 01/2006
Bilateral inspiration
The 110th Anniversary of the founding of the Czech Philharmonic on 4th of January 2006 is also the official recognition of the close cooperation between the Academy of Sciences and the Czech Philharmonic.
Few today know how tightly knit music and science were within the Czech Academy of Science and Arts, which was established in May 1891 with the unstinting support of patron Josef Hlávka.
Responsible manner in science
A report on the Conference for a Responsible Manner in Basic and Clinical Research, that was organised by the Ministry of Science, Ministry of Health and Academy of Science of Poland in Warsaw.
The Czech office for science and research in Brussels
The principal aim of the new Liaison Office (CZELO) for R&D in Brussels is to assist Czech research to integrate successfully into European research cooperation, especially within Framework programmes for research and development. It provides services to researchers from all types of research and development organizations in the Czech Republic. The CZELO is hosted by the Technology Centre AS CR and it is supported by a grant from the National Research Programme operated by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
European net of Neuroscience’s institutions ENI-NET
A Conference of New Projects financed from the 6. RP EU –ENI-NET took place 20–22 of September 2005 in Prague. It was organised by Institute of Experimental Medicine, one of the 13 European institutions ENI from eight member states.
Inauguration of Pierre Auger Observatory
On the vast plain known as the Pampa Amarilla in western Argentina, a new window on the universe is taking shape. There, the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory is studying the universe’s highest energy particles, which shower down on the Earth in the form of cosmic rays.
Czech Proteomic conference in Lednice
Two years after the Proteomic Division of Czech Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology was established, the second meeting of the Czech Proteomic Conference was held with the participation of foreign experts.
15 years of Grant Agency of the ASCR
The system of grants is like Winston Churchill’s well-known definition of democracy: it is the worst system of financing of science, but all others are even worse. The financing grants of scientific projects have gone through many stages since that time. But still grant system remains crucial for a democratic financing of science.
Major award for Czech team
Among four Czech projects in the final competition in The best good practice projects in the categories e-business, e-government, e-health and e-learning, PRELUDE was awarded the Prize Best ATVN-EU-GP 2005 in category e-government.
Josef Hlávka medal and prizes
At the suggestion of Prof. Václav Pačes, president of the Academy of Sciences, Prof. Pavel Materna was awarded Josef Hlávka medal on 16th November 2005 in Lužany.
Praemium Bohemiae 2005
Prof. František Šmahel has been awarded Praemium Bohemiae 2005 for his especially creative research work on Czech history in European context.
Glacio unde nomen? Quis fundator?
Glacio unde nomen? Quis fundator? From where the name Kladsko come? Who was its founder? Those were questions of Bohuslav Balbín in 1681 in the third book of his Miscellaneorum historicorum regni Bohemiae topographicus et chorographicus. Two and half centuries after the loss of Kladsko, we could also ask the same questions in our day.