Academic bulletin 09/2000
"Czech Brains" on Wenceslas Square in Prague - report on the filming of a new documentary about Czech scientists
News from the Academic Council
The 48th session of the Academic Council of the ASCR took place on July 11th.
Professor Milan Straškraba Died in July
Assistant Professor Helena Illnerová, Vice-President of the ASCR, in her warm article overflowing with memories, is a reminder of this alumni scientist's achievements as a pedagogue, expert of hydrobiology and ecology and well-known founder of the ecotechnology conception.
Portraits from the Archives
Julius Glücklich (1876 - 1950)
Dr. Glucklich was an extraordinary expert of the era following the "White Mountain Battle" and its social and religious context. He devoted his scientific life and a number of publications to research into the ideology of the Czech estate opposition party in the 17th century and one of its main leaders Václav Budovec of Budov.
Science - Research - Society
Open Door Days at the Academy's Institutes
After two years' tradition the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic again plans a program of presentations and scientific experiments for "open-door days" at its institutes. This popular event (last year about 5000 visitors participated) has sought to introduce the broader public, but especially the younger generation, to the current role of science and research in the many spheres of every day life in modern society impacted by it. This year's happening will be held on October 19 - 22.
Academic Bulletin presents an interview with Doctor Petr Kratochvíl, a member of the Academic Council, concerning these open house activities and some this year's "innovations".
State Administration, Science Community and Their Communication
The Council for Sciences of the ASCR has solved the question of further possible improvement of communication between the state administration responsible for science and research issues and the academic community. The Council for Sciences declared its position concerning the two most important institutions, the Czech Government's Research and Development Council and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Academic Bulletin also carries the response of the Vice-Minister of Education, Assistant Professor Josef Průša.
Anniversary- Professor Josef Syka
Professor Josef Syka, well-known Czech neurophysiologist and director of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the ASCR, celebrates his 60th birthday this month.
Science against Irrationality - Critical Mind Fights Dullness
Professor Jiří Heřt, president of the Czech Sceptics Sisyphus Club, explains the role of this club and describes its activities.
Introducing the Institutes
Technology Centre of the ASCR
The Technology Centre was founded as a co-operative platform for the Academy's 12 related Institutes in 1994. Its main goal has been increasing opportunities for putting the creative potential of the Academy of Sciences to practise.
Mythology of Professor Potůček
Professor Jan Svoboda of the Institute of Molecular Genetics in his article reacts to the contribution of Professor Martin Potůček, which he delivered to the 16th Assembly of the ASCR and was published in the assembly May 2000 issue of Academic Bulletin.
International Conference on DNA
"International conference on DNA Conformation Modification and Recognition in Biomedicine" was held in Brno on July 1 - 6.
Workshop IAGA
A workshop of the International Association for Geomagnetism and Aeronomy called "Lower Atmosphere Effects on the Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere", was organised by the ASCR's Institute of Atmosphere Physics in co-operation with the Department of Meteorology and Environmental Protection of Charles University's Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and held in Prague on July 25 -27.
Master Jan Hus in Vatican - the Book Presentation
The Commission for Studies Related to the Personality, Life and Work of Master Jan Hus convened an International Symposium on the life and work of Master Jan Hus at a university in Rome in December 1999. More than hundred scientists and representatives of several Christian persuasions took part. Jaroslav Pánek and Miloslav Polívka of the ASCR's Institute of History describe the atmosphere of the symposium (as reflected in inquiry answers of the participants) in the book "Jan Hus in Vatican".
Colloquium "Pragmatics and Semantics"
A working group focused on logic of the ASCR's Institute of Philosophy organised the international colloquium "Pragmatics and Semantics" on June 20 - 23.
International Symposium LOGICA
The 14th year of the international symposium LOGICA, organised by the ASCR's Institute of Philosophy, was held on June 27 - 30.
Czech Academy of Sciences and Art Assets
A commission for the research, editing and publishing of Czech heritage assets of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Art (founded in 1941) preserves the results of its collecting activities in a special fund.
New European Organisation of Plant Biologists
The European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO), a new European organisation of plant biologists, was founded this year. Its main goal is to support and stimulate research in the field of plant biology.
Awards of Society Aventis
Awards of the Society Aventis for the best publication in biomedicine in 1999 were awarded by the dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Vienna. Among five awarded research teams the international team of Czech and Austrian scientists was declared as winner.
Working Papers 1999
News - Announcements
Academic Fall 2000
Events at the Academy in Photos
Let's Popularise Science -an Inquiry
Topical Supplement
How the Stress Tastes
An interview with Professor Vratislav Schreiber regarding his new book about the role of stress in human life